Sunday, 6 January 2013

bloggfase nr 3?

scroll down for English

Hei, nytt år og nye muligheter, og jeg starter nå (noe jeg tror blir) min tredje "bloggefase" (hvis jeg gidder). Jeg er ikke typen som pleier ha nyttårsforsetter, eller som har pleid å bruke starten på et nytt år til å starte et nytt og bedre liv, men i år har jeg satt meg et mål. Et stort mål (eller er det egentlig det?).

Jeg skal ikke shoppe i 2013. Det er målet, og betingelsene og begrensingene er som følger: - Jeg skal ikke handle klær og sko. (Jeg pleier slite ut ett par joggesko i halvåret, så skal ønske meg nye joggesko til bursdagen min i juni.) - Jeg skal heller ikke handle unødvendige sminketing, sånn som neglelakk, øyenskygge, lipgloss og sånne ting som jeg har fra før av men ikke bruker så ofte. - Jeg skal ikke handle bøker før jeg har lest ferdig den stabelen av bøker jeg allerede har kjøpt/fått. - Jeg skal heller ikke prøve å finne smutthull i avtalen min når jeg får lyst til å gå på shopping!

Dette var noe jeg kom på da jeg ble tilsendt en artikkel om en venninnegjeng som skulle gjøre noe lignene. Og så har jeg litt angst for å ende opp som de på "Hoarders", som har så sykt mange ting at de mister oversikten og taket på livet, eller kanskje mer realistisk, at jeg ikke har noe å ønske meg til jul fordi jeg kjøper alt jeg ønsker meg med det samme. Avtalen inkluderer IKKE: - garn og strikkesaker - mat (lol)

Den andre genseren jeg strikket, som jeg nå har laget om til kofte. The second sweater I knitted, which I made into a jacket

Hi, new year, new beginnings, and a new era for my blog (if I stick with it)! I don't usually do new years resolutions, but this year I have a big one.

I'm not going shopping in 2013, and my terms and conditions are as follows: - I will not buy clothes and shoes. (I tend to wear out a pair of running shoes every 6 months, so I'll ask for new ones for my birthday in June) - I will not buy unneccesary make up stuff such as nail polish, eye shadows, lipgloss and other stuff that I already have but don't use very often. - I will not buy more books before I've finished the stack I already have. - I will not try to find loopholes in my agreement whenever I feel an urge to go shopping!

I got the idea from an article, sent to me from a friend, about a friend group doing something similar. And also my biggest fear is to end up like the people on "Hoarders", and I don't want to end up not being able to come up with something to wish for for Christmas, because I just go buy whatever I want whenever.

The agreement does NOT include: - Yarn and knitting stuff - food (lol)

Monday, 9 May 2011

a blue tie affair

there was a big russ-festival this weekend. For my lutcher friends: picture the bonfire festival and jazzfest combined to one big weekend of awesome. Attending: 10.000 13th-graders.

I've seen tons of good concerts. Your fellow american Ludacris was there too. And my favorite norwegian band Kaizers Orchestra. And Madcon, and Karpe Diem, and your other fellow american Porter Robinson. And Lidolido and Magnet, whom I hadn't really listened to too much before the concert, but they sounded pretty good. And my bff Mona was there with me, and our lovely blue tie. Our lovely blue tie was stolen by some bastard. We went to concerts, danced, drank beer, ate, went to more concerts, fought over whose turn it was to wear the blue tie, drank cider, walked around, danced, met up with friends, made new friends, danced some more. It was fun :)

Saturday, 16 April 2011

one two three four

five six seven! thats how many russeknuter or russ-knots I've done. I've been a russ now for a little over 24 hours, and so far so good. I do not feel like explaining what the russ celebration is all over again, so you can either go google it or you could look back at one of my older posts. Ok, let me tell you which knots I've done so far.
1. Help collect money for the Norwegian Cancer Fund, we went from door to door to collect money, and our school was the best in our district. yay!

2. Cuss out a statue in the centre of town for five minutes. This is Arne Garborg, a norwegian writer whom we told how we felt about analyzing his poems in norwegian class, the bird poop on his shoe and so on.

3. Have a whole pack of Hubba Bubba bubble gum in your mouth for ten minutes. I think this was the worst one we did. It's almost impossible to control your drooling with all that gum in your mouth.

4. Have breakfast in a roundabout.
We combined this one with:
5. Have cornflakes with beer for breakfast.
It was nasty.

6. Have a serious ten minute conversation with a pole.

7. Eat your own mock business card without eating or drinking something in between. This was actually surprisingly easy for me.

Monday, 11 April 2011

La shukran.

The pictures are kind of out of order. I've been on a excursion trip to Jordan with my languages & travelling and religion & ethics class. We were 28 people. It was fun :) There are camels running loose in the streets of Aqaba, Jordan.

Yay on the snorkeling boat!

We went to a mosque on the last day. Limited amount of clean clothes left. Had to cover up hair and body. This is the result. Amazed by how my "hijab" matches my Batman-hoodie so well. And who knew that denim tights, a dolphin sarong, a floral blouse and a white scarf would make such a lovely outfit?

Petra, Jordan. One of the new seven wonders of the world. Amazing! The funniest part was when we were going into the royal tombs, and there was a group of jordanian 15-year olds who found it much more interesting to photograph, film and follow us instead of looking at the actual destination. At one point when me and another girl stopped to talk to a local bedouin woman, a few of them stopped about 5 ft away and started posing next to us and taking pictures "with" us.

The plumbing in Jordan is not the best. At some restaurants they had these mini-showers to use to wash your behind instead of toilet paper so the pipes wouldn't get clogged. I just used paper and prayed to God and Allah and all the rest of them that it would flush.

I ate food so spicy it made me tear up. Jordanian food is good, but half the time I didn't know what I was eating. They eat a lot of hummus, I've had hummus on this kind of pita-bread for breakfast for a week.

You'd think that when theres 30 degrees celsius outside the pool would be warm, but no.


Sunday, 6 February 2011


Hey, sup? Not much going on here right now. My parents are in London, the only places I've been today is work and my grandma's house.

I was supposed to go to Egypt in April. Yeah, that's not happening. I'm sure you've all heard about the crazies going on down there. Our languages and travelling class go on a weeklong trip to Egypt every year, but not this year. I was kind of bummed out because the trip to Egypt was kind of the reason I chose to take that class in the first place. I guess it serves me right then, for picking a class based on where it's going on field trips. So as a band aid for the wound (that's a norwegian saying that I tried to translate, did it work?) we're going to Jordan instead. So hopefully Jordan will be cool.

And in the beginning of march, I'm going to Oslo to see Taylor Swift. Me and a couple of friends are taking the train to Oslo, going shopping, going to the concert and staying at a hotel, and then taking the train home again.

I'm telling you all of this just to prove that my life is not all work and school and worrying about college. See, last weekend I even went out with some friends from school! And not as in a study group.

Wednesday, 19 January 2011


I just overheard the most random conversation between my sister and her friends. She had some girls over and they made brownies that were very tasty but something went wrong, so that when you chewed them you could hear the sugar crunch. One of them goes
- "I can hear myself chewing the sugar!",
- "Omygosh yes! Lets all be quiet and see if we can hear each others crunching!"

So they did, and when they discovered that they could in fact hear the crunching, they died laughing for a good ten minutes.

So what other meaningful and exciting events have filled my life since the last time I wrote to you? Well, I've been going to the gym, I've flipped through college brochures, I've walked Mona's dog with Mona, I've flipped through more college brochures, I've been thinking about college, I've fed my fish Johnny, I've been confused about what college I want to go to, and... no wait thats it.

Friday, 31 December 2010


I've been bitten by my new pet that I got after christmas. I was sitting there with my pinky out, minding my own business, and so my pet jumped up from his bowl and bit me. Yes, from his bowl. It's a fish. Oh, funny story about the fish too, let me tell you! I got a fish bowl for christmas, so I decided to buy a fish. The bowl was pretty small, so the lady at the pet store adviced me to get a betta fish. So I did, bought a fish, named him Charlie and brought him home and put him in his bowl. First thing the damn fish did was to swim down to the bottom and start eating the pebbles I had arranged in the bowl for decoration. Next thing he does is to discover his own reflection in the bowl and freak out and try to attack it. I wasn't sure what to do, I figured he'd settle down after a while, so I left him alone for a little while. That didn't happen, when I came back a couple of hours later the poor bastard was dead. My dad said at dinner today "Well, no wonder he died, I'd probably die too if I ate pebbles and ran into glass walls." So I got a new fish, named him Johhny Bravo, put him in the bowl, this time under close observation. Johnny didn't settle down in the bowl either, I tried putting him on the middle of the floor so there would't be other things to distract him, I cut off the leg of one of my tights and pulled over the bowl, but to no help. So I moved him to a plastic bowl my mom uses for baking. Or used. Johnny is very happy there and is still alive and kickin'.

"Heeeere's Johhny!"
And here's a part of a letter that I wrote to a friend describing what we do on christmas eve.

Here we start the day watching a movie called “Three nuts for Cinderella”, which is a Czech movie from the 70’s, and there’s a man who has dubbed all the voices, but you can still hear the Czech actors in the background. Yeah, it might not be the greatest movie ever, but it’s part of the Christmas tradition to watch it. My cousin Elisabeth even bought it on DVD and brought it with her when she came visit me, so we could all watch it together on the 24th like we always do. So after we’ve done that, we usually go visit some family, we usually go visit the part of family we’re not spending the evening with. So in the evening we go to whichever part of the family we’re celebrating Christmas with this year (we usually start planning that in October) , have a big Christmas dinner, and then we just sit around and drink coffee, and then we eat rice pudding. And in the rice putting there’s a hidden almond, and whoever gets the almond wins the marzipan pig (which is a pig made of marzipan dipped in chocolate, I’m sure you’ve figured that out by now, you’re smart). After we’re finished that, we open the presents, we open them one by one, one of the kids is the designated hand out person, and has to read out who the present is for and who it’s from, and then the person it’s for opens it. And that usually takes a good while, but it’s a lot of fun because you get to see the reactions on everyone’s faces.

Thursday, 16 December 2010

Merry Christmas!

As you all know it's almost christmas, so lately I've been on my best behaviour! For example today, I got home from school, started making christmas cookies (a kind called brown sticks, now doesn't that sound yummy?!), then I did some laundry, and then I went to spinning class at the gym, then I came home and shoveled all the snow out of our driveway, then I did the dishes! So that's why I'm writing today, in case Santa didn't notice. See, Santa! I've been all good this year, at least today :)

This is my russ-card. It's a mock business card, and it's part of our graduation tradition. Mine says:
The name of my school,
Eli Rugaard
Adr: Soup street aka Subagadå (Subagadå is norwegian for soup street, which is the actual name of the street I live on)
Member of: the scouts, VIK (the gym I go to), and Plenum (this one is an inside joke..)
Wine is not a very good cure for love
The greener grass on the other side
is probably just artificial turf!

Last week I went to a friend from school's house and we went sledding and made waffles and watched the polar express! And we took pictures and made it into a christmas card! So, MERRY CHRISTMAS!!

Saturday, 27 November 2010

dec. 6th

At this date a year ago I went swimming! It seems so unreal, we have 10-20 degrees and three inches of snow here!

Last friday I was at a scout meeting, in 10 degrees weather. I got a ride with Mona, and a mutual friend of ours came along too (gosh,that sounds kind of proper). Mona was going see her boyfriend, and our friend was going partying, and me, I was going walk around in the woods for a couple of hours. They asked me "Eli, is that really something that you do for fun on a friday night?" I didn't know what to answer right then and there, but now that I've had some time to think, I've come to the conclusion that yes, I do find it fun. I really do enjoy walking in the woods, cheeks getting all cold and red, freezing toes... Well, I don't really enjoy the freezing toe-part, but thats just part of the deal.

This is my russ-photo, or senior picture I guess. We had our first russekro (party for the graduates/13th graders), and the theme was traffic lights. You had to dress in green if single, yellow if you're talking to someone, and red if you're in a relationship. It was alright, it was really convenient with the color codes! And there are plenty of parties to come, so I will tell you more about that later :)

Sunday, 14 November 2010


Whenever I write that nothing is really going on, something crazy happens. So guess what? Something crazy happened. I just joined a group of scouts called the Rover scouts, it's for people over 16. I went to a meeting monday, and then I went to one friday where we played reball (like paintball but with without paint, haha). After we were done playing reball, the other scouts told that to be accepted into the Rover scouts you have to go on a secret mission. They also told me that there were three other guys who were doing going out on a mission tonight, and that if I wanted to, I could join them. So I did.

So I picked up my sleeping bag at home, and put some woolen underwear on. This is woolen underwear. Some might say that they're the ugliest clothes ever designed. They're very tight, and, well, here's a picture:

That's not me. We had a camera on the trip, the only pictures we took were ones when we were in our sleeping bags with only our noses poking out, or of the sky and the lake we slept next to. Basically everything that you didn't have to get out of your sleeping bag to take a picture of, haha.

So about this mission. They dropped me and the three 16 year old guys that I was going with, off at the end of some little bitty road in the middle of nowheres. This was around 12.30 at night. We got a map and a route we were supposed to follow. Oh, and did I mention that it was pitch black outside, and even with headlights, it was hard to see more than maybe eight feet in front of you, there was about 40 degrees fahrenheit out, and ofcourse it rained (and even sleeted some) the whole night. So around one in the morning, we started walking. There was no trail or path. Through swamps, up mountains and steep hills, down mountains and steep hills, and the going down part was almost worse than climbing up because everything was so wet and slippery. So we walked and walked, I had a backpack that was about 15 lbs, and it got heavier and heavier as it got more and more wet. At about 5.30 in the morning, as we were standing in the middle of a swamp, all I wanted to to was to just sit down and cry my eyes out. I was physically exhausted, I was soaked to the skin, and I had bad blisters on both feet. Well, I kept going. And 10 minutes later we found a road! A real road with asphalt! By then we had only walked a third of the route, so we figured we'd never get there in time, so we decided to find somewhere to camp to get some rest. So we walked along the road, well actually we walked in the middle of the road, the place was deserted. We walked past three houses, until we came upon this old barrack. It looked like something off a scary movie, so we werent too psyched about sleeping in there. So we camped out at a little parking lot, we had a tarpaulin, so we used that to build a tent-ish thingy to protect ourselves from the rain. We had to sleep all huddled together to keep warm. Me and three 16-year old guys that I'd met for the first time that same day. It went pretty well, I kept waking up from the sound of my own teeth chattering, but other than that it was great. We slept, or atleast relaxed from about 6 to 10 in the morning.

We had gotten a kvikk lunsj (the norwegian version of a kit kat-bar), which was the only food we had with us, so we shared that for breakfast. We called the guy that had planned our trip to say that we weren't able to make it in time, he told us that he'd never expected us to make it there anyways, so he gave us another route to follow. I had to summon all the motivation I had left in me to get out of my somewhat warm sleeping bag to put on my wet clothes, and keep on walking. For the first quarter of a mile, my toes were so frozen I could have swore they were about to break and fall off. We hadn't even walked a mile before we saw a bone, then another couple of bones, and then a skull, lying on the path. I'm guessing it was a sheep. So we must have slept not even a mile away from something that was so big it could kill sheep. It was so much easier walking in daylight, and we even had a trailto follow for the most part! There is such a HUGE difference between walking on a tiny trail and walking with no trail. Speaking of HUGE, this is what met us when we were about halfway to our goal saturday.

Yeah, and they were standing maybe 10 feet from the passage we had to go through. And they had a baby calf, which means they're more likely to attack. But we got past them. And we reached our goal. After 3,5 hours of walking. And guess how far we had walked that day? About three miles. We didn't walk slow, but the terrain did impede our speed by quite a lot, all those darned swamps and mountains! And also, I was with three boys scouts, and from time to time they were like "Hey lets go up on that hill so we can get a better view of things", I just wanted to yell "Dude! It's pitch black outside, how is it going to make any difference if we stand here or on some damned hill????"And the night, friday night when we had walked for 5 hours straight, we'd only walked 6 miles. When we got to that parking lot that was our final goal, I was so relieved, so tired, so hungry, but most of all so proud of myself! I wanted to quit quite a few times, but I stuck it out! It took all the strenght and energy I had in me, so when I got home, I slept for 14 hours straight, and then I had to go to work. But I got through it all!

Did you know that it's possible to get blisters under the sole of your foot?