Wednesday, 8 September 2010


Hey! Guess what I did this weekend? It was so awesome, and so worth the hundred-something dollars I payed for the ticket! I went to a festival here in Stavanger to see Ozzy Osbourne live in concert! He was really good live, a lot better than I expected for a sixty-something year old man. The whole concert was just intense, and the music he played was a good mix of old stuff and some of his newer songs. Standing like 15 feet from the stage in a crowd of 12.000 people is something everyone should experience.

There were other bands too, like Madcon and Bare Egil band. Bare Egil Band is a dude that is most famous for a song about a man that dies falling down stairs, so yeah, but it was still a pretty good concert. And Madcon is a norwegian rap duo, they're pretty good if you're into that kind of stuff.. Here's a song by them

Ok now that you've listened to it, play it again. Once you know it well enough, you should go out in the streets and sing! People will be like "Wow, that's a cool song!" and you can say "Yeah, it's by some norwegian band I listen to", that'll make you sound very internationally smart, or you can say "Yeah, it's just some lil song i wrote"... They won't know the truth, I promise I won't tell :)

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